How to Get a Global Talent Visa in the UK: Approval Organizations and Criteria 🦄
Global Talent Visa (UK) requires approval from one of the UK government-designated endorsing bodies.
[:en]Everything about the Global Talent visa: how to obtain it, requirements, and benefits. Our blog offers step-by-step guidance, expert tips, and real success stories[:]
Global Talent Visa (UK) requires approval from one of the UK government-designated endorsing bodies.
Until recently, the total cost of examining your application for a Talent Visa was £456.In October 2023, Home office UKVI increased the cost of visa fees for all categories of visas.
Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts and visa applicants, I have some exciting news to share as someone who helps people obtain Global Talent Visas.
Are you looking to apply for the Global Talent visa in digital technology?
[:ru]В этой статье я расскажу о критериях оценки шансов на получение Global Talent Visa и причинах, по которым могут отказать в ее получении.[:]
[:ru]Процедура подачи заявления на визу талантов выглядит на первый взгляд просто: вы собираете пакет документов, пишете рекомендательные письма…[:]
Are you a cool and sought-after professional or a successful tech company manager, a talented musician or film director?
Exceptional Promise. This category is for those who are at the beginning of their professional or creative journey, have been actively developing in their field in the last 5 years and already have some merit and achievement.
No matter what country you live in or what you do, you can obtain this visa if you are a professional in one of the 3 fields: Science (which includes scientific research, medicine, engineering, humanities) Arts and culture Business organizers and producers Architects Artists Designers Dancers Musicians Theatre workers Film workers Writers Photographers Digital technologies Experienced programmers Fintech workers Employees of cyber-security companies Artificial intelligence workers Game developers Experienced product managers Software vendors UX/UI designers etc.
It costs £456 to apply.
Do you want to live in the UK?
Let's discuss your chances of getting a talent visa completely free of charge.