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How to bring your family with a Global Talent Visa? 🦄

[:ru]У вас, как у обладателя визы таланта(Global Talent visa) в Англию, есть большое преимущество – вы можете перевезти с собой членов вашей семьи или партнера с тем же набором прав, что и у вас, оформив Dependant визу.[:]

Who can get a global talent visa to the UK? 🦄

Are you a cool and sought-after professional or a successful tech company manager, a talented musician or film director?

Who is eligible for a Global Talent visa? 🦄

One of the advantages of the Global Talent Visa is the possibility of moving a family, namely a partner and children, to the UK, while they will have the same conditions and privileges as you.

Who can get a global talent visa? 🦄

No matter what country you live in or what you do, you can obtain this visa if you are a professional in one of the 3 fields: Science (which includes scientific research, medicine, engineering, humanities) Arts and culture Business organizers and producers Architects Artists Designers Dancers Musicians Theatre workers Film workers Writers Photographers Digital technologies Experienced programmers Fintech workers Employees of cyber-security companies Artificial intelligence workers Game developers Experienced product managers Software vendors UX/UI designers etc.


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